Making a decision to improve oneself by working out more, eating better, or perfecting your golf game may seem easy, but it is a decision many people have a hard time executing past the third week of January. It’s easy to want change, but it is difficult to follow through with what is necessary to achieve it.

“Being dissatisfied with oneself requires a deep level of critical reflection. The depth of your dissatisfaction will equal the depth of your desire and decision to commit yourself to change.”

When you know exactly what you want to achieve small daily decisions become clearer and easier. If your goal is to lose weight, it’s easier to choose what to eat, what to do with your time, and when to exercise. If you want to be a better golfer, you need to commit to a series of golf lessons, hit the practice range and the course more often and purposefully. It is not enough to just know you want to improve – desire is powerful ONLY when it’s ACTED upon.

Book a series of golf lessons utilising Flightscope and commit to improving your game in 2015.

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