With the cold winter months now upon us it is perhaps even more important that we warm up sufficiently prior to playing golf, not only to help us improve our performance on the opening holes but also to reduce the likelihood of injury.
Some coaches advocate slow stretching however stretching cold muscles can lead to injury. The state junior girls were given a program to follow prior to playing that involved warming up, the use of spiky balls and then hitting golf shots at the range. The club member who is perhaps rushing to golf from work may not have time to go through a full warm up – the best warm up for this golfer and most club members is to warm up by “hitting golf balls”. Get to the club a little earlier to give you time to slowly hit a few wedge shots followed by some longer iron shots and drivers (don’t start with your driver) then head to the putting green for a few putts to get a feel for the greens. The Golf shop is currently looking at introducing a smaller warm up bucket (at a cheaper price) to encourage more members to visit the practice range prior to their game, please keep an eye out in the coming weeks!